Copenhagenize Design Co. believes that there are better ways to sell the bicycle as a normal, accepted and respected transport form in our cities, and we specialise in talking about it. Far too much messaging about urban cycling stems from a subcultural base. Advocacy often borrows heavily from ineffective marketing techniques inherited from environmentalism. We understand that the 99% don't want to become members of a subculture on their journey to work. They want transportation solutions that just work.

Our clients often express a desire to sidestep the usual messaging about cycling as only recreation or a subcultural activity and want to communicate cycling for transport as a normal thing to do. We offer branding & communication services for a variety of projects, sizes and budgets. Be it a product, a city brand or a campaign, we know how to get the message across. We're not cyclists or bike geeks, after all. We're just people who use bicycles to get around.



Branding Cycling

We offer custom branding and visual identity services to clients as they seek to direct discussion about bikes towards transport and away from sport. Whether developing an identity for a conference, coordinating the logos of government departments, or offering bicycle wayfinding strategies for a new piece of infrastructure, our team can help you capture your audience's attention.



Data/Marketing Strategies

Many misconceptions exist today in cities around the world regarding the bicycle:

"You can't ride through the winter" - "People will never choose a bicycle over a car" - "My neighbourhood is safe enough for bicycle riders"

Through effective strategies to collect, analyse and market data, governments, institutions and companies have been able to fight back on these myths. Our team is equipped to help develop exactly that – tailored to local needs, constraints and realities.



Viral Graphic Content

We know a thing or two about creating compelling content. Since our early days when Mikael Colville-Andersen rolled out the original Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize blogs to viewers around the world, millions of citizens, activists, bloggers, planners and business people have engaged with our online content. We specialise in creating conversations surrounding cycling – especially in the digital space. Our team is well-versed in making any custom infographic or online campaign.
