Urban Design

Teaming up with local authorities and engineering companies to design best practice cycling infrastructure

Cycling Strategy Implementation Consulting
Montpellier, France

Bicycle Infrastructure
Implementation Consulting

Cities that work to become bicycle-friendly understand that changing the current streetscape to enable users to travel safely is a top priority.  Copenhagenize provides consulting services to both local authorities and engineering companies in all projects dealing with cycling infrastructure design. Our approach is rooted in international best practices and aims to establish infrastructure where all users feel safe cycling. Whether it's separated bike paths or shared roadways with traffic calming, we focus on finding the appropriate solution to prioritize cycling mobility. Additionally, we create reference guides that showcase a comprehensive range of solutions for developing bicycle-friendly environments.

Bicycle Infrastructure and Services Integration, Charenton-Bercy Urban Development Project - Charenton, France

Urban Projects - Master Plans

New urban developments seek to improve quality of life for all users, making cycling possible is a key element to achieving this goal. Copenhagenize teams up with urban planners and developers to design comprehensive cycling strategies (infrastructure, parking, signage, services, etc.) for projects of various scales. We have experience crafting detailed cycling master plans tailored to the project's scale. We are passionate about integrating cycling into the local ecosystem and look for innovative and context-based solutions to make cycling more accessible for all potential users: families, younger and older populations, businesses, etc. 

Evaluation of the Cycling Network
Lisbon, Portugal

Bicycle Infrastructure Assessment

As municipalities work to improve their bicycle network, it is imperative that they take a step back to understand the impact of past projects and how they align with current users’ demands. Copenhagenize supports this process by working with local authorities to perform a thorough assessment of their existing network. Our approach involves a multi-level analysis of the infrastructure and its connections to provide valuable feedback on how the network’s quality, breadth, and placement impact daily bicycle mobility. We then provide clear recommendations aimed at improving travel conditions for cyclists, diversifying bicycle users, and improving dangerous and conflicting intersections.

We'd love to work with you!

If you're interested in working with Copenhagenize, reach out to us today. Our team is ready to collaborate with you to understand your needs and objectives.