Preliminary Studies of Pain Points and Discontinuities in the Grand Narbonne Cycling Network -
Communauté d’agglomération du Grand Narbonne
Time Frame
Présents, BET VRD
Urban Design
Project Summary
Copenhagenize collaborated with the Grand Narbonne Agglomeration, to perform feasibility studies for the improvements of 12 discontinuities on their cycling network. Spread over 10 municipalities, these discontinuities were identified by Grand Narbonne because of security issues that are impeding the development of cycling throughout the agglomeration. In a majority of cases, these discontinuities are due to crossing or riding alongside high traffic arterial roads or activity zones, both in rural and urban areas. The primary goals are diverse: link outlying municipalities and Narbonne; connect to or improve important cycle-tourism routes; provide access to educational facilities, retail areas, train stations, multimodal hubs, medical services, or interesting tourist destinations.
Each one of the three phases of the study (diagnosis, scenario development, feasibility studies) brought together all the diverse stakeholders involved (Grand Narbonne, the Aude Department, municipalities, DREAL, etc.) to understand their demands, needs, and opinions. With the information gathered during the study, the Active Mobility Plan was completed providing technical solutions, budgets, and phases to address each discontinuity in the network.