Regional Bicycle Plan


Région Grand Est (France)

Time Frame

Jean-Baptiste Gernet, Cycling Mobility & Public Policy Expert

Cycling Strategy


Project Summary

Copenhagenize helped the Grand Est region draw up its cycling strategy, with the aim of becoming France's leading cycling region. The comprehensive assignment took a year and a half to produce one of the region's most ambitious cycling plans, the first to take a 360° view of cycling in all its diversity: utilitarian, cyclo-touristic and sporting.

Initially, we carried out a review of the region's cycling policies, including issues such as intermodality, the cycle economy, cycle tourism, high schools and health. An awareness-raising document has been produced for the region's technicians and elected representatives, covering all these issues. Raising awareness also involved a study trip to Flanders (Antwerp and Ghent) to show elected representatives the impact of ambitious cycling policies. During the trip, a number of participants from different administrative levels were able to present their strategies and actions. Following this acculturation, partnership work with local players took the form of a major seminar (250 participants) launching a phase of co-construction of the actions of the regional cycling strategy based on 18 workshops. Finally, our assignment ended with the drafting of the cycling plan's actions, the production of a communication brochure and a 4-page spread, and the organisation of a closing seminar.

In parallel with this task of creating the Bicycle Plan, Copenhagenize has begun to support the region in its reflections on the implementation of actions, and in particular has carried out a benchmark on the introduction of a fleet of electrically assisted bicycles.



Communication Strategy - VALENCE, France


Cotentin Bicycle Strategy And Infrastructure Development Consulting, COTENTIN, France